week 9: summer

Summer longing

whole thing.png

Sweet cool night air rushes, midnight blue.

Moths and crickets, symphonic hue.

Deer blink sluggishly, hooves on the road.

Rubber death narrowly misses a toad.


A small flame, flickering in my ribcage.

My skin crawls, emptiness engage.

Skeleton aching, muscles of shivers.

Eyes squeezed shut, I sigh for you, noise withers.


We clung to eachother, desperation lead.

Shaking finger tips pressed into your head.

Heat bloomed on our lips, warm roses.

Amber eyes, after image encloses.


The earth comes in through my nose.

Invisible dirt between my toes.

The moon pulls me in, eyes first.

I'm a nameless creature, a spec, immersed.
